Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SMS: Spare My Sufferings

D, sty c%l, I m goin 2 cmp dis wkn”. This is the exact SMS my little girl sent me over the weekend. It actually reads “Dad, stay cool, I am going to camp this weekend”, for those less fortunate dinosaurs like me. SMS like these really drives me nuts and it takes the receiver a longer time to understand the real message. I can accept sms of this nature if it is on a casual basis, but what if it was meant to be official request from a client? Like “c me @ 4 4 biz dis. @ 4 c sons htl” ???? Can you understand? Took me 3 hours 22 minutes and 15 seconds to understand this… which time he called me and give me the right voice message. It reads “see me at 4pm for business discussion at four seasons hotel”.
Why cant people make life simpler by relying on the age old Alex Bell phone? Crank, crank………voice message. Neat and tidy, we kill lesser brain cells and definitely be punctual for the meeting.
I don't know who invented SMS and I certainly unsure when the SMS culture hit me. I remember the good old days when we call and talk in a vocal manner. Then, in a matter of seconds, we turned to virtual chats….using the SMS jargons. We alienate the ‘closeness’ through a mere minimalist (French for utterly irresponsible) approach, and start sending short indecipherable messages. I challenge you to read and understand the following messages:
a. Sry m8 gtg
b. Hw r u doin, c u l8r
c. Ttyl
d. 4evr frens
e. w/e
f. ilu
g. iirc
h. wut, duh
i. plz…..4 m oli

I give up, the list is endless.

a. Sorry mate, got to go
b. How are u doing, see you later
c. Talk to you later
d. Forever friends
e. Whatever
f. I love you
g. If I remember correctly
h. What, duh!
i. Please for me only
Coincidently, I just received a message on my phone and it reads “cmb”….and I was like …….huh? Keeping abreast with technology, I replied……”waz cmb”. A few minutes later, the reply came back as…..”u cli cow, sht 4 call me back”. Sweat lah!

Bad enuf? (see this sms virus is really contagious). To me, this is not the end. I have sms messages with some toppings too. “I mis u, :)”, “:-0, tats c%l!”,:*”, “(-.-)Zzz” and another set of endless symbol.
How can we cope with the wide repertoire of changes at our age? I am somewhat :O and ; / if you know what I mean.
AAM, T2Go M8, TTFN. 8-) *^_^*.
May God bless us all..........u reckon HE understands SMS? If HE does, the ten commandments will look very different, that much I can guarantee.

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