Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thou shall not Cheat

I had a Skype conversation with a close buddy of mine this morning, and upon his persuasive suggestion, I decided to write him a blog on Mistress and Girl Friend. I think he is facing a dilemma and wished to delay no more or ends up 'd** la ma'....... Anyway, I have to be honest this is rather difficult subject to write because I haven’t a mistress to start with! I presume this is the sort of answer, a standard one if you ask me, you are likely to get from the male fraternity. Who would, in the right frame of mind, admit he has a mistress? I guess you need to make him go through the legendary Ching Dynasty Torture Chambers, and even then, there is a strong possibility that he will not admit to that submission. Thou shall not admit to thy cheats till thy kingdom comes……..never! You rather die at an instant of agony than to suffer a life time of prolonged agonies……..hehehehe.

Say, I said ‘say’ and this is hypothetical, if I ever have a mistress, I wouldn't hesitate to take on a Shu Qi lookalike. You may argue, “Ah… don't go just for the looks!” wouldn't you? Well look at it this in a more generic way; if you ever have the intention of indulging in the act of mistress and for the sake of argument keeping one, what else would you go for apart from the looks.

Ok, if you think such looks are too wild, I would suggest going for someone with a Rosamund Kwan lookalike. She is milder, prettier and may I add, more presentable in social gatherings. Speaking of which, I am not sure if, at all, men will bring along their mistresses to social gatherings. It is like, here she is…….my kept woman! I say……wow, you certainly will have my vote if there is ever a chairmanship for the Global Fraternity of United Careful Knobbies (GFUCK).

Girl friends, on the other hand, are a different breed of animal although they share the same gender as mistresses. You can bring them out to parties and get them to be a centre piece, shower them with compliments by your friends and fellow associates. Let’s face it; men are simply generous when it comes to paying compliments. The only time they failed in this arena is towards their wives. How many of us actually noticed our wives changed hairdo, or for that matter, remember how well she dressed for so & so’s wedding? The point is, we don't and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

Incidentally, that’s when the whole idea of girl friends and, even mistresses (for those brave hearts), crops in. I don't know about you but here is my little understanding on the differences between girl friend and mistress. I may be ineptly wrong but I am trying to stress my point……hahahaha

Towards Girl Friends

a. You can make them known to your friends
b. You can plan ahead a future with them
c. They may buy you gifts from time to time, but most of the time it is the other way
d. You can go shopping, play games, have dinners etc in public with them
e. You don't pay them with allowances
f. You can bring them home, and the family treats her as one of the members
g. You must be single to attract them
h. You need to pay extra compliments on them
i. You need to be extra observant towards them
j. You don't have to be rich, but they still love you
k. You are assured of a strange notion called “love”
l. You will one day marry her
m. You want to be with her, at least for now….hehehee

Towards Mistress

a. You need to be discreet
b. You constantly need a bag of excuses to lie and then to meet them
c. You need to pay them monthly allowances
d. You can’t bring them out for parties
e. You only buy them expensive gifts
f. You don't plan the future with them
g. You only see them in the prettiest attire
h. There is no such thing as “love” for them
i. You can’t take them home to introduce her
j. You get tired hopping between her home and yours
k. You are walking on fire
l. You will end up miserable and distress
m. She knows too much about you, and threatens your security and integrity
n. You might consider ‘bombing’ her…..ding ding!!!

I say this again, I don't have a mistress or a girl friend now!!!!! Just don't send me to the torture chamber, please.

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