Friday, July 4, 2008


Like any ordinary folks, inside and outside the country, I have watched the recent events in our political arena bouncing up and down over the past few months. Things must have reached the boiling speculation point at every coffee shops and mamak stores in the country. I guess no talks will be without the saucy juices of “sotong me” and “mince meat” recipes. I can imagine if you asked for a sotong mee, you will inevitably end up talking the slimy tales of who has entered illegally. And if you order spaghetti bolognaise…….you know you are likely to start talking about the various extra-ordinary ways of making mince meat. I can think of plenty other foods but I am sure you get my point.
Seriously, while we may see the political events advancing to newer heights, further unnatural corrections remained a real threat, as does the possibility of the many unnamed souls trapped in this narrow line of political uncertainties. Today you may be advancing your political status, tomorrow you may fall down into the wilderness. But the worst position you may not wished to enter is being squashed in the narrow line of uncertainties. In other words, what I really intend to say is, “it has nothing to do with you or me unless you are a politician”. Bystanders like us can only rely on a few sources for information, and the rest is a complete fabrication of our own imagination. And why not? I am sure somewhere in the country is a factory churning out fabricated lies, bio-physical evidences and even clones with peanut brains micro-chipped to behave like forensic specialists. I guess we all remember the sudden emergence of “smoking guns” chemist who took the expert opinion stand long time ago. And the clone went into oblivion after that……..strange is it not?

Ten years ago, someone accused you of favouring “sotong mee”, which was subsequently overturned five years ago. Ten years on, the same league of another someone accused you of your perennial savouring of that “sotong mee”. Your taste bud never changed despite the years in solitary?? C’mon baby light my fire!!!!! I can’t imagine an older person not caring for his ailing health by pumping in more cholesterol from that slimy sotong? Unless somebody is stupid enough to cook the same trick on you plate in the luxury comfort of your own love nest. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new trick? Sorry, same trick!! Lightning strikes you twice……..when you are least prepared!

careful doggy, wrong end!!!!

Ya baby! light my fire!!!!!

I read somewhere an article written by someone some time ago, that plague / pestilence / curse come once every ten years. What’s next? I haven’t the faintest clue. Coincidence? Karma? …….hmmmmhh we shall wait with grave patience until the entire drama unfolds. Meanwhile I have these little advices for the older folks even though I haven’t the foggiest idea what is going on, “do not employ any young assistants but if you do, you must not let them take your soiled linen away” and “do not go to the general hospital if you have constipation because they are likely to diagnose you wrongly".

buttocks or bust: it depends on which way you are looking

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