Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Erm, that’s not quite right, guys

We often make the mistake of saying that another believes something; all we can do is say that another claim to believe, as there are often very many reasons to express a belief that is different from what one believes, and, I think, politics being most often the case. I do believe, as would many a political observers is likely to start, we are into another political faux pas which I find rather interesting and revolting. But I am not a political observer and hence I am more likely rather use, what my kopitiam kakis usually utter, “how leh?? What happen? What’s next in this political conundrum?

There are many reasons why you may wish to dig and delve deep into stories that made headlines these days. The one and most common reason being we are too nosy and curious to find the answer that probably answers all the questions of the past, present and future. Interestingly whichever way you may choose, you are most likely to end up with another story. Hmmmmm…that’s being part of bolehland lah.

We now have a doctor who has gone into hiding along with his family. I remember not so long ago, we also have a private investigator who surfaced, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and then…………came back within 24 hours to retract the statement. He, naturally, went missing after that. Just when we are trying out best to track down this PI with GPS, we are confronted with another bloke who allegedly diagnosed professionally (…so chivalrous of him, clap clap clap ….but who hasn't had the time to re-diagnosed again), also playing the Houdini act. Pretty amusing, isn’t it? I remember only kids play the hide-and-seek, but now even adults took a special interest in the game and played rather differently, like in a incognito manner? Much like our friend Radovan Karadzic who play the game so well and lasted 12 years.

I don't know about you, but I am totally dumbfounded by the claims, counter claims and the many countered counter claims that defeat the simplest simple logic. I call it the first principle of defying a simple logic. Yup, I now learned, unwilling, to accept that DNA does have an expiry date and hence defying all theories related to the evolution and annihilation of dinosaurs. And you know what, our great VIPs concurred that 10 years is just about the maximum period for any samples of DNA to be accurate. Wait a minute, Jurassic Park is therefore a Hollywood hoax without scientific backings……emmmmmhhhhh listen to the leaders lah. Then we also have our very own police who, and very seldom, acted enthusiastically until recently. Without any proof, they refuted the legitimacy of the so-called medical report. Wah…they deduced that it is not genuine and must be stopped at once without a reason. I must say, have it entirely slipped their minds that the most popular pastimes of the majority of us today is to read newspapers, digest them and make up kopitiam assumptions. Unless, they are adamant in using the infamous unshakeable logic found only within the First Principle of Defying Simple Logic.

I am going to have my DNA analyse tomorrow, I need some substance to defy the First Principle of Defying Simple Logic, to say the least. You coming along, Albert?

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