Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taurus Fimus

Picture this, in a far away land, there is a place where citizens are not supposed to answer back keeps both feet and head on the ground and never ever run against the totalitarian. Then, at some not so distant past, things started to change. Some allegedly admitted such changes are good while some say the changes affected their daily expenditures; they shop less to pay for the rising prices. Most notably the prices for fuel and more recently, rice. They no longer go about driving long distance for no apparent reasons because the toll charges have changed as well. They then resolved to stay at home more frequently and then increasingly swept their attention towards political consciousness.

Once the awareness got into their system, they started to blog and to share their views. Blogging is free in the first place, it is also the trend and you are also free to talk about anything under the sun. But more importantly it frees you from those boring social gatherings or getting yourself trapped in the worst ever flash flood in town. And when everyone started to say what they had in mind, the topics got hotter. Then one fine day, it just happened, the impossible has become a reality. Political analysts from the world over capitalized on the occasion and coined the terms ‘change’, ‘ripples’, ‘tsunamis’ and many others endless in-words of the day. To some, perhaps peasant like me; it is still the same analogy of getting the change from Starbucks. But then, I am always a minority, whatever I say is of minimalist significance.

The wave of transformation, however, has taken the majority were taken by surprise and to an unprecedented scale. There were talks, and more talks, getting bolder by the day through the static or electronic media. As sudden as it came, most of them still in the hangover state, a story-teller was charged. A charge no one knew and understood for some unknown reasons but becoming more apparent as the drama unfolds.

To me, this is no game of chess, nor is it a game of poker. It’s a game called Bullshit. It is a simple game where he who bluffs the most ends up a winner. He who attempts to say the truth, or implicitly hinted the truth, is the loser. As simple as it may seemed, the complications arose when the person who had been ‘quoted’ as speaking the truth now lied about things he may not have in his bag of tricks.
Since the game of Bullshit is getting so much publicity, it is also high time to rename the name of the game. Some thought it was really a dirty game because the whole game is about saying something immorally wrong to be a winner. Some thought otherwise because the legal eagles and the politicians are separated by a very fine line, and they really know how to play the game of Bullshit. It is also a game by two players, but usually attracts enormous audience, for some strange reasons. But by and large, it was decided that the Latin equivalent name for the game is to be adopted since it is becoming too popular. Bullshit hence was renamed as Taurus Fimus. The grandeur of Latin seems to have masked the dirtiness of the game thus far. Sounds better, is it not?

Here’s the catch! By saying something in Latin, it looks better, it sounds better, but not quite sure if it meant the same shit. I am not convinced that playing this game of Taurus Fimus is good for a country, but I have also equally found some equally compelling reasons to suggest it does more good. Take the East European block for example. They played the game of Taurus Fimus over a length of 40 years and ended up more backward than the first day they started. Then the global warming had them awaken from the dark cold war days, and they stop playing the game overnight. Slowly but surely each country within the old Eastern block started to prosper. Over to the East, the world most populous country decided to stop playing the game, and in less than 20 years they become a global economy hot house. So hot it was that they decided to light every damn corner of the earth by running around stupidly with a torch of fire. And they did it, with a little game of Taurus Fimus, being friendly while running across hostile nations. Our neighbour down south decided not to play the game of Taurus Fimus because of kiasoo-ness (that’s another topic for another day). They prosper in what I described as controlled Taurus Fimus. You just have to control some fimus; else you will smell shit everywhere.

I think I have said enough and play this game of Taurus Fimus in the mildest manner without hurting anyone except making all of us a little bit more conscious on our peers ‘intellectual’ lies. In the words of good old Abe, “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time”. Q.E.D (Quod erat demonstrandum).

Enough of the game for now ponders no more!

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