Friday, May 30, 2008

Ineptly Yours

I come from a small rustic kampong in the middle of nowhere. I guess someone has to; we can’t all come from the city, right? Life, back then, was simple, so simple that we invented another word to replace “simple”. It is called simply simple. Kekekekeke
Everything around was simply simple. We don’t see much private cars; there were more kereta sapu than private cars if my memory didn’t betray me. We took bus because it was cheaper, and the conductor was a really nice person with a great smile. Laksa was only 10 cents; my school pocket money was 15 cents, 20 cents and finally 40 cents. I no longer take buses now, laksa is now HK$20 per bowl and my daughter’s pocket money now is HK$20 per day. How time have changed. They say it is something to do with inflation, that might be true but I am thinking of something else.

It is something to do with people doing less and charging more. When I was young, everybody work like shit all day long and paid miserably low….more like you are being paid in terms of speck of dirt. Today we work lesser, and being paid more! Some even work on a newer platform called ‘working at home’. Gee! If my mum were to be like that in those good old days, we get to eat stuffed ‘tau hu’ all the time! What is working at home? More like ‘dream at home’ rather, and create innovative ideas to make all of us working less and getting paid more for doing some other menial stuff. The world has come to accept what I believe is truly neurotic ideas for inept old timers like me. It is call automation. Everything, with the exception of my Caltex Ah Pek, is going towards that direction. I give you a few examples to set your mind rolling:

a. Escalators – stand there and wait for 30 seconds and you will arrive at level 2 unless you are Mr. Bean
b. Toilets – pee and press a button. Maintained your seat posture and jets of water will ooze out. Don't not stand up after pressing the buttons, else you will have water on your face
c. Touch-n-go – touch your card against a board, PLUS will bill you later with more chances of over-charging
d. Credit cards – swipe and go. Simple and no hassle with paper money and coins (I hate coins!!!) except when faced robbers you had better remember those 6 alpha numeric PIN
e. Machine car wash – drive through and it squeaky clean at the exit, except if you left your windows opened
f. Digitize dashboard – touch sensors allowing you to switch CD, air-con, lights etc except these little silicon gadgets have short life span. Malaysian are notoriously sustainable in this manner, they use their car even when their cars habitually exhaust a cloud of black fumes
g. Ultra Slim Laptop – they look good, gives you the feel that you are in league with the progress of technology except someone may sit on it……….
h. Hong Kong’s Octopus – nobody leaves home without it. Except if you forget to charge up or lose it, you will find it is gone forever
i. Jacuzzi – you no longer need to go to Japan, your local spa has a series of them. Except those little air holes are places filled with bacteria.
j. Intelligent Lift and Info TV in the Lift – you can’t have these!

Intelligent lift gets you to all floors except your floor. The whole idea of intelligent lift stems out to reduce your travelling time by letting you onto designated floors. What they don't tell you is, you must indicate your floors at the lobby. Well……..chances is that we all rush into the first available lift and that’s when your trouble begins. You go all the way up, and then come down to where you first started. Hops onto another only to find out it wont stop at your floor either. And after many trials and errors you finally managed, if you are lucky, to get where you had originally intended but you are either too late for your appointment or it is time to go home.

Lift with Info TV is really bad because when you are engrossed on the news, you naturally forget your way out. It is also a place where the TV sound may conveniently camouflage someone’s discreet fart.

Computers are another trouble invention. With computers comes email, don't you all dread mails popping out all the time? You write something, you are given a reply almost at the same time it pops out of your computer. Not much of feeling, isn’t it? Unlike those good old days when you waited patiently for a letter of reply. Then there is that all new, blue tooth, blu ray, MP3 or 4, built-in camera etc etc. I never really know how to use them, and I honestly don't know why they are there for. If I want to send something to a person near to me, I would send it via email. Why blue-tooth? In the first place, how on earth do they come up with names like blue-tooth when it is supposingly white! What is the difference between MP3 or 4 and DVDs? And the built-in camera……..ohhhhh I am ugly enough but the camera made me even uglier!

I think one of these days; these creative people from the moons of Saturn will invent a fully automatic head styler. Hey, we used to call them barber, and then we upgraded them to hair stylist, now it should be the head styler! Imagine putting your head into a head chamber with thousands of little razor sharp knife manned by an on-board computer made of silicon chips. At a press of the button, you will hear music through the MP10 with MC Hammer doing the Hippopotamus Jam Ram (hey, they wouldnt call it Hip Hop no more!). At the press of another button, the thousand and 1 knives will start clicking, and in less than 5 seconds you will receive an email telling you the service is done.

It is in the prototype stage, ladies beware

You could also end up like these boys, rather nerd looking!

But if you want hairstyle like his, you need to wait for another 100 years

from this hair style

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Up, Up and Away

The Hong Kong Standard, a local newspaper, reported on its front-page “Airlines raise fuel surcharges”. Passengers will now have to pay 37 percent more in fuel surcharges because of rocketing oil prices. It is estimated most airlines will be able to recover only about 40 to 70 percent of their additional fuel costs through the fuel surcharges, said the newspaper.

I read this news with mixed feelings, sort of being awakened after from a time warp. When was the last time we see major corporations becoming so humane and transparent? I can’t recall any, to be honest. A passenger now knows, definitively, the airport tax, the fuel surcharge and the airfare as well. Awwwh! The pinch is too much to bear; the airport tax plus fuel surcharge is higher than my ticket! I think this is all too psychological, that airlines are sending a message they are not ripping us. Imagine if they say it cost you now $1370 to fly from A to B when it would cost us $1000 to fly in Jan 2008. What??? There has got to be a mistake, it can’t be so expensive! Whereas now we don’t make a fuss since each component of the cost is now itemized. Bravo! Cathay Pacific, I am sure I will arrive in better shape! I am also equally sure I will arrive in baffled state, since I have no idea I have been conned.

Now that air fuel is up by some 40%, what will our Air Asia do to counteract the problem? They have certainly come up with rather innovative ideas in the past to make us pay and at the same time make us think we are still flying cheap. I suspect some of their staff must have originated from one of the 52 moons in Saturn. Else why would they deprive us from food and drink during any flights? They must have gained the notion of going hungry during their long haul flights from Saturn to Earth. The lesser it weighed the lesser the fuel consumption mah, right? Plausible methods include:

a. putting wooden planks within the aisle to seat extra passengers
b. making the toilet seats available, or charging toilet fee every time you take a pee
c. sell nasi lemaks and Maggie mee with a surcharge and inflation rate
d. sell nasi lemaks as though they are in the commodity market
e. standing passengers?
f. Take away all arm rest and squeeze 4 passengers onto a 3 seater
g. Open up another class, Cargo Class

You see, now everyone can fly despite the rising fuel prices!!!!!

On the same day, the Star newspaper in my home country reported “Petrol stations located in the border states of Johor and Perlis will be barred from selling petrol and diesel to foreign-registered cars starting Friday.” I don't think this is achievable because administration is a problem.

  1. You don't sell the foreign-registered cars but our boys working at the petrol kiosk don't have the eyes of an expert. I think false number plates are in hot demands now especially near the border areas.

  2. You also find used kerosene tanks in demand and you will also find the border’s hospital running out of space. Why? Too many cases of gasoline stomach due to over-sucked siphoning act, and too many people getting high due to over sniffing of petrol.

  3. You will also find make shift petrol kiosk in the hinterlands of rustic small towns inducing the risk of arson. Small kampong tak ada bomba lah…

  4. You will find road-side fruit stalls selling bottles of petrol instead of fruits

  5. You will find new petrol kiosks at exactly 50.0001 km outside the barred zone mushrooming up over-night.

  6. You find more activities of daylight smuggling. All the uncles and aunties start carrying combustible petrol putting whatever remaining hair they have at great risk!

  7. Last but not least, my Ah Pek from Caltex will take even longer to fill my car’s tank. My Ah Pek will double-up his duty as CIA-FBI-KGB cum petrol attendant! He will question each driver with the authority vested upon him, and I can tell you it will not be good!

This oil crisis is going to make our life a living hell. I still remember my first encounter, as a child, of the oil crisis back in 1973. I hear words i don't understand like oil crisis, oil embargo, Arabs etc etc when the said oil price was something like US$23 per barrel! Today it is US$128 per barrel but I don't hear and still don't understand oil crisis, oil embargo or the Arabs. Why huh?

But then again, it will eventually dawn on to humble folks like us ultimately. We humble folks are no menteri nor wakil rakyat but this is what we think they should implement:

Making our household electrical applicances redundant

Fight Inflation

Drive less but keep our car in good use

Above all, try alternative energy

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dollar and Sense

The past weekend marked another billionaire in my home country, making it 10 instead of 9 in 2007. The news of another billionaire in Malaysia, to me, is just another incomprehensible figure and admittedly I read it rather amusingly. I remember decades ago when Forbes listed Robert Kuok as the billionaire, I innocently included my name at the very bottom of the list. It was one of those sheepish dreams of yesteryears; it was also the same naivety of childhood that I could better Robert in my later part of life. Sadly or gladly, this dream never realised and I now read the news from a different perspective.
What is wealth when you are over a certain threshold? You wont be able to use the money, they are just figures but with many many zeros behind the front number. You probably need a hundred accountants to keep track of your wealth for which you, or your future generations, will not be able to use it to the fullest. To get a better perception of this astronomical figure, a US$1 billion is equivalent to length of 5 times the earth's circumference covered by US$100 when aligned edge to edge, or if you start counting U$1 per second, you need ten years to complete this feat, notwithstanding the compounded interest! I often told my friends, my siblings and even to new acquaintances, money not spent is not yours. I should make it clear that I am talking in literal terms here. Say how much did you spend this year? “Oh! Let me see, I spent a million on LV on one of our spontaneous jest in Paris and won the bet because I spent a million bucks in under 2 hours. And a couple of thousands euros at Hotel De Paris in Monte Carlo, serenade with a choice of vintage wine and won handsomely at the baccarat table. Auctioned at Christie’s for a few bargain prices portraits and sold recently with an unexpected profit margin. And………..all in all, I did not spend a cent from my coffer, come to think of it, love.” See, it is still not your money!! Geram lah!!!
I am not rich per say, but I am also not poor on the very same par. I can’t say I will be a billionaire in my living years but I will say I won’t be in the billionaires’ club even when I have long gone to heaven. Don't get me wrong, I am no sour grape or a green eyes monster (as my younger sister so profoundly puts it), but I do care about the milestones to chart a few dollars in my journey of life. I am happy if I have $10 million in the bank and I will not be any happier if I have $100 million in the same bank. Indeed, I can only cope with a limited number of zeroes in my bank account else the excitement will increase with my blood pressure.

Given the fact I am not hungry for anything more than 7 zeroes, I reckoned I will be wealthier if I can have the best health than anything greater than 8 zeroes. You can either agree with me or dispute my claim as ludicrously illogical. I have just calculated my life-time savings, which is about 1.01 billion Vietnamese dung (ehhh…sorry Dong). I am now in the same league as the rest of the billionaires in Malaysia; perhaps Forbes should now consider listing my name at the very bottom.Latest list of Forbes Malaysia Billionaires
1) Robert Kuok, US$10 billion.
2) Ananda Krishnan, US$7.2 billion.
3) Lee Shin Cheng, US$5.5 billion.
4) Teh Hong Piow, US$3.5 billion.
5) Lee Kim Hua & family, US$3.4 billion.
6) Quek Leng Chan, US$2.4 billion.
7) Yeoh Tiong Lay & family, US$2.1 billion.
8) Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, US$1.8 billion.
9) Vincent Tan, US$1.3 billion.
10) Tiong Hiew King, US$1.1 billion.
11) K K Yin, 1.01 billion Vietnamese Dungs

There I made it, my childhood dream realised at long last!!!!!!

Incidentally, why do we insist on US$ as the benchmark? Why can’t we have the Vietnamese Dong instead? It will certainly make our esteem a bit more sweeter and make at least a couple of millions of us billionaires except for my poor niece who squandered her would-be billion dungs on Hari Botak and the sequels of half baked potatoes! Or we could also use the ringgit as the benchmark, and it would make a further handful of people in dire need of explanation as to how they make their billions! ding ding!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


George Washington once said “I cannot tell a lie. Yes, I did chop down your cherry tree, pa”. Bill Clinton said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”. We then have a chap saying “It looks like me, it sounds like me but I am not sure it is me”. And the latest person to fit into the Hall of Fame is quoted as saying “As a responsible citizen, I will say again that I have never known or even met this woman before”.

The lie conundrum is simply to tell a lie and die, or tell the truth and die in shame. Or in a much simpler context, “I cannot tell a lie but then again I cannot tell the truth”, sounds pretty emphatic to me! There are two types of liars; those who lie because they are selfish and will lie to get what they want regardless, and those who feel telling the truth may cause pain and greater anguish to those around them. Ahem! The CCTV saga of a certain doctor seemed to have fitted in well on the latter.
Lying is unfortunately a part of human nature. I think we've all told a lie at some point in our lives, even if it is a small one. But we are relatively greenhorns compared to the politicians. Ever noticed why politicians lie so much? Or is it more befitting to say “which politician doesn't lie to the people?” I suppose they will not hesitate to lie at any available opportunity.
Even if we lost an island, given a small change of two little stones, our wise politician said it was win-win situation. I don’t know how to categorise the mathematics. Either we were not taught the basics of barter trades, or we are too complacent to pick up the details. Perhaps we should put some lice onto their head and make them scratch a bit more to come up with a better solution, or come up with a better lie. I say this because some politicians cannot tell the difference between the lice in the head from the lies in the mind. They certainly sound the same. Of course, you can choose to have one of the two, but if you are politician you can have both.

The US mustered all efforts to refrain from calling a lie a lie; they used more tactful terms to avoid the obvious. They use words like:
a. Exaggerate
b. Misled
c. Twist
d. Misstate
e. Overstretch
f. Distort
g. Bluffed
h. Manipulate
i. Credibility gap
j. Overselling
k. Facts overlooked
l. Misrepresented
m. Overplayed
n. Overstated
o. Questionable claim
p. Did not provide accurate picture

As a responsible citizen, I will say again that I have never known or even met this woman before”. Should be rewritten as “The recent exaggerated links over this woman is being twisted. It was intentionally misstated, overstretched and distorted bluff, intentionally manipulated by others to incriminate innocent citizen like me. Considering the credbility gap in these allegations, I would say they are overselling and have facts overlooked. The public should know these rumours are misrepresented, overplayed and overstated. This is a questionable claim by them and they did not provide the accurate picture.”

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Tale of Two Cities

This month, Asia witnessed two natural disasters both drawing different attentions in their own rights. My condolences to the millions of people affected by the loss of family members, properties, works etc etc. My answer to these disasters would be there is always a limit to what mankind can do to conquer the forces of nature.

Although satellites have made it possible for us to forecast typhoons with greater accuracy, not all countries are blessed with the technologies to forewarn them. Certainly not Myanmar! I am talking about Cyclone Nargis causing 1.5 million people struggling to survive and an estimated 100,000 dead or still missing. This is the plight of the Myanmar people, trapped under the tight Junta regime and the ‘sensitivity’ of the rest the world. The latest UN reported donations to Myanmar relief effort reached an estimated US$43.7 million with an additional US$71.8 in pledges.

On Monday 12th May, a massive earthquake hit Sichuan province causing the death toll to some 12000 people. The death toll from the quake is expected to rise even higher, with state media saying thousands are still trapped in collapsed buildings. Relief aids are pouring in with Hong Kong alone pledging a whopping HK$300 million and Macau another mind boggling HK$100 million. I guarantee more international aids will come over the next two weeks. The difference in aids is quite apparent, needless for further explanation apart from being surreal. By the way, I’ve always had a problem with the word “surreal” which means “unreal in a strange, dreamlike way”. I’m not sure if it is just me, but life seems to me to be almost entirely surreal. Which then makes reality unreal and to a certain degree, perhaps, truly it’s Asia. What a shame!

Cyclone Nargis was heading for Bangladesh but took a 90ยบ turn and headed towards the Irrawaddy delta without any warning. The devastation that ensued needs no further reports. In short, either Burma was caught off-guard or the country just doesn't have the infrastructure to withstand the on-slaughter. Over in China, the Sichuan Basin is known to be notoriously active, tectonically speaking. The Longmenshan fault is very active and has been constantly monitored for any seismic activity. The possibility of a major quake coming is then known well before it came. In the aftermath of the quake, the seismological institute predict a massive aftershock to occur at 2pm 13th May, amongst the 2000 over aftershocks. The massive aftershock came at 3pm and on a Richter scale of 6.1. I quote this example to show how much China knew about earthquakes and, on a similar scale, how little Burma knew about cyclones.
Call it hypocrisy or for that matter call me an utter brute of the worst order. I simply cannot find a good reason to convince myself why the rest of the world is throwing so much attention to China and not Burma. Burmese are suffering because of the restrictions of Junta government to allow international presences. If humanity was on the agenda, and of utmost importance, these aids could come in through neutral nations indirectly. Why then do countries like USA insists on going in when they know will find resistance through bureaucracies when the primary aim is to help on a humanitarian front?
I read somewhere today my government will be tabling a cabinet meeting to donate through relief fund to China. I am highly amused (I use this word when I actually meant ‘horrified’ in actual context) and dumbfounded. I am pretty sure the amount will be much much more than what we gave Burma...... that much I am able to guarantee. You can't say much about this country who is more than willing to help a genius turned hooker, a foreigner, than to help her own citizens. As a matter of fact, I give up for these hopelessly hard-to-predict gestures. Trust me, whatever amount we may gesture to ‘help’ China; it makes no difference at all. I have seen the Chinese flocking into Hong Kong on a buying spree and still claimed it was a bargain to spend $300K here. These people are rich, filthy rich; they are able to do their own domestic charity. After all, charity begins at home.

The Unassuming Burmese
'Hell-low', care to look at me in the eyes?

The Swanky Chinese
Eww! that's totally sick

While the rest of the world debates on the Sichuan earthquake and relief aids, the authority is only concern and committed on the stupid act of running the torch of fire around the country. Tauraus Fimus? My foot!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taurus Fimus

Picture this, in a far away land, there is a place where citizens are not supposed to answer back keeps both feet and head on the ground and never ever run against the totalitarian. Then, at some not so distant past, things started to change. Some allegedly admitted such changes are good while some say the changes affected their daily expenditures; they shop less to pay for the rising prices. Most notably the prices for fuel and more recently, rice. They no longer go about driving long distance for no apparent reasons because the toll charges have changed as well. They then resolved to stay at home more frequently and then increasingly swept their attention towards political consciousness.

Once the awareness got into their system, they started to blog and to share their views. Blogging is free in the first place, it is also the trend and you are also free to talk about anything under the sun. But more importantly it frees you from those boring social gatherings or getting yourself trapped in the worst ever flash flood in town. And when everyone started to say what they had in mind, the topics got hotter. Then one fine day, it just happened, the impossible has become a reality. Political analysts from the world over capitalized on the occasion and coined the terms ‘change’, ‘ripples’, ‘tsunamis’ and many others endless in-words of the day. To some, perhaps peasant like me; it is still the same analogy of getting the change from Starbucks. But then, I am always a minority, whatever I say is of minimalist significance.

The wave of transformation, however, has taken the majority were taken by surprise and to an unprecedented scale. There were talks, and more talks, getting bolder by the day through the static or electronic media. As sudden as it came, most of them still in the hangover state, a story-teller was charged. A charge no one knew and understood for some unknown reasons but becoming more apparent as the drama unfolds.

To me, this is no game of chess, nor is it a game of poker. It’s a game called Bullshit. It is a simple game where he who bluffs the most ends up a winner. He who attempts to say the truth, or implicitly hinted the truth, is the loser. As simple as it may seemed, the complications arose when the person who had been ‘quoted’ as speaking the truth now lied about things he may not have in his bag of tricks.
Since the game of Bullshit is getting so much publicity, it is also high time to rename the name of the game. Some thought it was really a dirty game because the whole game is about saying something immorally wrong to be a winner. Some thought otherwise because the legal eagles and the politicians are separated by a very fine line, and they really know how to play the game of Bullshit. It is also a game by two players, but usually attracts enormous audience, for some strange reasons. But by and large, it was decided that the Latin equivalent name for the game is to be adopted since it is becoming too popular. Bullshit hence was renamed as Taurus Fimus. The grandeur of Latin seems to have masked the dirtiness of the game thus far. Sounds better, is it not?

Here’s the catch! By saying something in Latin, it looks better, it sounds better, but not quite sure if it meant the same shit. I am not convinced that playing this game of Taurus Fimus is good for a country, but I have also equally found some equally compelling reasons to suggest it does more good. Take the East European block for example. They played the game of Taurus Fimus over a length of 40 years and ended up more backward than the first day they started. Then the global warming had them awaken from the dark cold war days, and they stop playing the game overnight. Slowly but surely each country within the old Eastern block started to prosper. Over to the East, the world most populous country decided to stop playing the game, and in less than 20 years they become a global economy hot house. So hot it was that they decided to light every damn corner of the earth by running around stupidly with a torch of fire. And they did it, with a little game of Taurus Fimus, being friendly while running across hostile nations. Our neighbour down south decided not to play the game of Taurus Fimus because of kiasoo-ness (that’s another topic for another day). They prosper in what I described as controlled Taurus Fimus. You just have to control some fimus; else you will smell shit everywhere.

I think I have said enough and play this game of Taurus Fimus in the mildest manner without hurting anyone except making all of us a little bit more conscious on our peers ‘intellectual’ lies. In the words of good old Abe, “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time”. Q.E.D (Quod erat demonstrandum).

Enough of the game for now ponders no more!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Excuse me, But Your Arm Is Over Mine!

Some time ago, I chanced upon a commentary on flying with SIA. It read “How would you define traveling in luxury and style? How would you like to be pampered like this during your flight? On the mahogany wood table in front of him, a recently released Hollywood movie was playing on a sleek 23-inch LCD monitor. His luggage was stored under the seat’s ottoman. Later, Smith changed into a special “sleep suit” designed by fashion house Givenchy as a flight attendant in her sarong kebaya uniform turned down his big leather chair for sleeping. Bedding also by Givenchy.” To what degree of opulence do we, as passengers, or for that matter, the carrier, subject upon that limited air time in the sky? I reflected. What do we do about people who can afford the unaffordable luxury like the above? I can’t think of anything we can do other than being hugely egotistical is a sure-fire way of cultivating repercussions. But I digress, thinking that two rungs down the ladder, i.e. the proletarian or cargo class, would suit me comfortably if what they say about first class is so grand. I may not have the zillions to splash, but I certainly can afford the ‘buy cheap stay rich’ seat. I don't need the kebaya clad lady to make my bed; all I wanted is a reasonable smile for an equally reasonably spacious seat in a reasonable setting. That simple! But I was deprived in the same way that I deprived them of profiting my zillions.

I checked in two and half hours before my flight time, after following what I defined as a meagre queue, only to be given a middle seat. “Sorry Sir, all aisle and window seats are taken”, they explained. How is it possible? I gave up after listening to their rather lame excuses, and ended squashed left and right by two Caucasians with bodies good enough to dam my kampong river. The seats are not designed for the comfort they claimed, nor were they anywhere near those comfy seats with smiling faces we see on TV commercials. Sitting in between two heavyweights, I subjected myself in deep thoughts. Now I understand why Michael Schumacher was paid billions for being squashed in the F1 car. I can see why ancient Chinese emperors are so focus in getting rid of potential wannabies. In my three and half hours of in-flight discomfort, it did cross my mind the various ways in knocking my heavyweights neighbours unconscious. Or the futile thoughts of our seats being broken, causing all of us to be upgraded to first class.

I arrived to Singapore with my shirt being ironed off stubborn wrinkles, and my hair (however little I have) unaltered. Of course, the bad news is, I ended up with a stiff back and swollen foot due to bad circulation of blood. Economy class, they sometime can kill if you are not careful.

On my return flight, I was given the same treatment all over again. Three hours before departure, I still can’t find an aisle seat. The ground crew gave me the emergency row (window) and I accepted it gratefully. What they did not bother to explain was the window seat has limited leg room. Or probably they had wanted, but took the liberty of letting the crew explain the misfortune on their behalf. I ended up sitting with my knee knocking the exit. Why do they have to build such monstrous protrusion when it was meant for emergency exit? Logically, the emergency exit should have the least obstructions, is it not? I don’t know but I featured this in my in-flight hallucination again, “Passengers Knocked Unconscious” made headline, “A handful of passengers were knocked unconscious during the emergency escape on Flight SQ 002, due to bad design of the emergency doors, says expert in aviation

But seriously, folks, I think anything that makes people imagine and hallucinate “sensitive” subjects and hear other points of view has got to be a good thing. And we mustn’t let the rich dictate us from the fact that is cool to have a big, world class carrier here in Asia. What a shame that things have turned out so awkwardly for people, like me, on a ‘maiden’ flight with SIA having given up for many years. One has to sympathize with me who insist that physique and comfortness should be separated. I am only a peasant, looking for a pheasant symbol carrier to provide me a pleasant flight. Is it too much to ask? To say the least, I want more space especially the middle seat.
Equally convinced, I am more a Cathay fan now. At least, they give me an aisle seat without failed, and pampers me to their airport lounges whenever I fly with them.