Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolutions and Wishes

In a few hours, the world will usher the coming of 2009 and with that, a rousing finished to 2008. It was a year of mixed fortunes and someone, out there, must have made trillions out of the financial market if the statement “6 trillions has been wiped out from the global market” is true. It was a year that saw the US elected the first non-white president (makes no difference, actually. I have yet to see another black in his cabinet, think about it!!!) To me, this is absurd. Here is a nation whose citizen made the mistake twice just to be doubly sure and now they chose a greenhorn, as if telling the rest of the world they learned from their mistake. It was also a year that saw five of the Malaysian states going to the oppositions, and with it comes the series of our very own kampong politics. From what I can see, none of these parties are holier than the other. It probably is, to a certain degree, the lesser of two evils. I am not sure what to say except the fact that we are still at the experimental stage. Yes….all at the expense of the rakyat.

Then there is the possibility of recession looming around the corner, but with some consolation from our leaders that the country is immune against such threat. Sure, how bad can it go when you are already at rock bottom? I suspect it may not be the case here, for they are probably too busy fighting inside-out and outside-in for whatever is worth gaining at the very top. I say no more about politics apart the fact that it is filled with dirt and shits, blunders after blunders and sometimes a combo, the dirt-shit-blunder.

Personally, I would recount 2008 as a year when the rich can become poorer and the poor can become even poorer with the only exception if you are already at the poorest. Well established institutions collapsed like a pile of cards and the dominos effect pushes one after another. Mind you, it is a year where you see your investments going fluid, and any cashes on hand is further liquidated by the diminishing value. The worst part of it, you can’t do anything about it except to watch and still counting the losses (the Hang Seng Index dropped by 13500 points during 2008!). I am not a sour-grape; my money is simply hard-earned with sweat and blood. I blame no one for my greed and succumb to the very notion of life being full of surprises that one can never predict what’s coming and going. It is a bit gloomy at the moment, but you can bet something different is over the horizon…….at least we hope it brings more good news.

On the lighter side, I started blogging despite being told all these years of its existence. The reason being I was unable to hold a theme. I wanted to write about politics but I was too naïve and unlearned, or more importantly I don’t want to end up being sued for saying the right thing at the wrong time. I wanted to write more on the nostalgic past, but early Parkinson took the better of me……..what did I just say?? I try to convince myself that I should write something comical but subconsciously being driven to write a combination of both satirical and comical. As it stands, these blogs were nothing more than a personal view designed to amuse oneself in the isolation of being alone. Nothing in it constitutes the notion of modern literacy, nor does it carries the elements of intelligence. Nah, just an ordinary kopi-tiam jargon whereby nobody cares what will transpire from the ordinary topics of chats. It is just a cheeky tease to something more subtle……..SO Beware, you have be warned.

Last but not least, I would like to end this blog with a new year’s resolutions and wishes. I hope to visit my parents more often in the coming year, spend more time with them and take them for a holiday; and good health for all.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Honk! If You Are a Malaysian

I don’t plan for holidays, particularly, when it was meant for Christmas. Because no matter how meticulous you may plan, there is always the element of over-crowdedness. Yes, trust me, the hotels you find is unlikely the decent hotel to suit your ‘standard’ and quite often you are likely to end up with noisy back-packers (in large numbers) or crying babies next to your room. And then, there is the ever frustrating heavy traffic (how is that the opposite side of the road is never busy??) and you need to brave your way through, sometimes hitting the brake and accelerator in one go!
Yes, this Christmas unlike all my past Christmas’ was a bit of an adventure. I remember slumbering over the sofa through-out the Christmas holidays during my days in the UK, and watching repeat after repeats of yesterday’s blockbusters. For most of the time, these so called blockbusters are likely to be older than you. That’s how bored Christmas can be in England, of all places. Out of boredom, occasionally, some bored sods will scream out at 2am in the morning, followed by more counter-screams to shut up the bored sods. More like unspayed female cats making noises to call her mates.
Coming to HK years later, I opt to change the celebration……I drank on Christmas’ eve then slumbered to sleep over the special day. Christmas is still boring to me, even with the bustling street-lights and decorations in HK. I don’t have any excuses, perhaps I don’t have the Christianity fate……..errrrr that would make another 5 million people in HK as bored as me.

I did something stupid this Christmas….I drove all the way from JB to Penang, did nothing, and then drove all the way back. I am sure my family members must have shared the same thought……..that I must be really mad. Perhaps it is because I am fast approaching 50, there is that urge inside me to prove ‘I am still young and I can do all that...’, or was because I wanted to get away from those Christmas jitters, subconsciously (awwww!!!!)

The distance from JB to Penang must be at least 630 km, making it closer to 1300 km in total. I guess I must have passed 1000 cars along the journey, not because I was over speeding……but a matter of ego. I wouldn’t tolerate all the kancils and protons over-taking me…… know as the Chinese proverbial saying “mantis’ arm blocking a chariot”, no way! And likewise, more than 1000 cars must have overtaken me in the process because I was cruising for most of the time within my quantum of solace. But I am glad to add the toilets along the highway are immaculately clean…although mostly wet. I don't understand why Malaysian public toilets are ever notoriously WET, which, incidentally could be the fact we can’t aim properly or we flush our backside incessantly. And the stores…..mostly sell the same over-priced items without a sign of competitiveness and equally true, if not all, run by bumis. You can’t help but to beg the simple truth about our PM saying that the government provides equal opportunities to all Malaysians. Apart from the kopi-O kosong, the rest were simply unappealing to me. Why can’t the PLUS people get McD, KFC, Starbucks and the likes, to provide us with a wider range of choices instead of nasi lemaks, curry puff and mee rebus………and then be truly, indiscriminately and non-hypocritically seen as providing equal opportunities to all. I bet with my last $, that if they managed to get Harrods of Knightsbridge here, even selling winter wears will outdone our local souvenirs shops by a mile.
Finally, despite the existence of “undang-undang” on the Malaysian highways and other lists of operasi SIKAP XXIV or whatever, just remember there aren't any rules if you choose to drive in Malaysia. You just need to drive, and drive safely with your head ice-cooled from the heat of the afternoon sun. No honking, no swearing and lastly no kay-pohing, and the chances are you will eventually arrive home safely. That is……not until you leave the new JB checkpoint, with its ever meandering roads that brings you in and out of town, passing through uncountable amounts of road humps, hairpin bends and bumper to bumper speed that eventually let your chest explode and screamed out in disgust! Only then will you be allowed to honk, swear and kay-poh “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? IS THIS PLAIN STUPIDITY OR A COMPLETE MOCKERY OF WHAT CONSTITUTES BAD ENGINEERING PLANNING?” Yup, ironically Malaysia tu memang boleh!

You can't have this. They have made some radical changes since this montage was presented to the YAB

You are more likely to follow this sign if you drive past the CIQ today

Carry on driving, my fellow Malaysians……………….

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Christmas Time Again

It is also a season to remind oneself to send immeasurable number of greeting cards, never mind how remote that person can be in your social circle. The age old rule of “never forget anybody, lest no one will remember you” applies. In the old days, we sign and post every card personally. These days we dish out digitised Christmas cards but you still need to cut and paste which can be really tedious. Trust me, I tried and spent 8 hours doing that chaos with my only breaks being lunch and a phone conference to Mumbaiiiiii deh.

No Christmas celebration is complete until the Christmas Ball or dinner. That’s another downside of Christmas. You need a partner, and you are likely to spend days checking and deciding who you want to invite. Then you worried yourself over the “never overdressed, more importantly, don't look smarter than your boss” rule. In short, Christmas parties suck. You may wish to know that out of the 10 Christmas Ball I attended, I went away inappropriately dressed for the occasion! Our theme for this year was “Hollywood”, and I felt I dressed like an over-weight Marlon Brando amongst the pool of Brad Pitt’s lookalike. To add salt to the old wound, I am pretty sure all the Brad Pitts lookalike don't wear wigs. Haizzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!! Christmas sucks and is a perennial morale detrimental season.

Like it or not, I am going back to my kampong for this Christmas. I suppose hibernating in that backdrop will be better because nobody in that place bothers about the festival. Arggggghhh! Except for my dear little sister, who in the yesteryears, spent hours decorating her own version of a ‘Xmas’ tree. Alas, the ‘snow’ on the tree were cottons (tonnes of it!), and over many many Xmas later, they turned yellowish. Looking back, I can only say she tried to instil some festivity mood onto all of us but we failed, each year, to reciprocate her gesture with any gifts whatsoever. The only ‘gift’ she got was a reminder (a lecture, actually) from mum on the “snow” spewing over the house.

And so for this Christmas I will choose to laze back and think about the many different ‘happy’ Christmas I have spent and perhaps chirping merrily away those ever wonderful Christmas songs. Yes, those songs that arouse dreamy, heart-warming memories of childhood. Or, those that gives you an acute case of heartburn. With this, Merry Christmas folks.

Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright……but not the stock market……..

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight……. Except for our investments ….

This the season for generosity
A time to give and to receive
My Christmas list consists of just one sweet dream....

I know what I want for Christmas this year
I hope my note got to Santa on time
I’m a little bit nervous,

It’s kind of a big thing I’m asking for
I don’t know if I deserve it but, boy, if I get it
I’ll never ask for anything more……..Santa, I say no more!!!!!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Bridge Too Far

If you are in Hong Kong today, you will read news about the current stale state of the economy, the poor governance, massive retrenchment by established firms etc etc. It is almost Christmas but the no one is giving……. The recent saga of the Asia TV’s 'resignation' of its newly recruited CEO which, I should say, is an example of what bad economy is bringing us. And then there is the Fed reducing interest AGAIN…….how low can it go?? This is no limbo, you know. However, buried deep under the stacks of bad news is the good news. Yes, the much talk-about Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge!!!

That’s the bridge we have been talking about for the last 15 years, everybody said how wonderful it was but nobody wants to build it for anybody. And so, everybody waited for anybody willing to build but nobody can think of anything better until last Monday 8th Dec. A tender was called on that day for anybody interested in the bid to design the super long bridge. A site visit was arranged today for interested parties to attend but each company is only entitled to one person.

Here is the catch! The boat has a capacity of 30 person but about 80 person checked into the hotel the night before. They had a wonderful dinner, compliments to the client’s office (incidentally, the three governments acted as the client and financed the entire project!). The boat trip is scheduled at 8:30am…tell me do you need to be at sea that earlier? I supposed we need to rise earlier than the fishermen around the Pearl River Delta. Yes, probably to beat the heavy traffic of trawlers, container ships and forever busy Jetfoils.

I am not a marine specialist but whoever plans this must be really stupid and whoever attends must be dumb (yeah including mou!). Out there in the rough sea, what do you expect to see? Mind you, can you expect anything decent when all directions are simply a flat horizon? Apart from occasional trawlers and seagulls, I can’t see anything and this was made worse by poor visibility. The light buoys are only visible until we came close to colliding it. And as if this is not enough, we have the boat’s captain arguing with our client’s representative as to where HK is. I felt like saying…… “Hey, check your radar and compass!!! That’s a supertanker in front of us and HK is at the east easterly direction in front of you. In case you don’t know, try looking up on the sky, there are planes trying to land every 3 minutes of so, you idiot.” The Chinese (I am sorry for this degrading remark) loves arguing for the sake of arguing, never mind there are others who prefers to rest against the damn sea-sickness. I guess we went out enthusiastically and half-way through the journey, a number of my fellow professional fell sick and vomited sparingly all over the boat. Those who did not vomit (me) were shivering in the cold whilst the remaining portion went away puffing merrily and in the process reduces the visibility in the boat!

I can’t say much about this bridge apart from the fact that this is a propaganda to join the country and no more “one country many systems.” Realistically, China is a country where each province enjoys its own jurisdiction and each county in the province also enjoys another set of jurisdiction. Every little VIP is known as leader and the classic lesson for these so call leaders is to know when to clap their hands when a federal leader speaks. This is the only commonality within their system. Apart from this, they differ or they opt to differentiate.

I rest my case; my only consolation is that I may one day help to build this momentous mega structure of the new millennium and be a patriotic Chinese!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tears in Heaven

“Bad news, Tze Yi passed away!” Those were the exact words that was relayed to me on the night you departed us. Your death was sudden, so sudden that it took us many unconvincing hours to accept the reality. The news of your sudden departure was hard to swallow. You were too young but as it slowly dawned on us, we realized that you had indeed lived your life wonderfully. You were well-loved and you had done so many things on earth and I’m sure you’ll do much more in heaven. I will forever be grateful to have known you as my nephew. Forever grateful that you were there at the right place and at the right time to share our lives, though it meant you have to go earlier. All the memories we have shared with you will forever be cherished and remembered. You will forever live in our hearts.

What is it that we remember when we think of you? I think everyone who knows you well would agree with me on this. You weren’t the cleverest amongst the siblings, or his cousins. But your determinations spoke well for you, and we are proud of you. You went through your post secondary years with your own efforts, even though at times the odds were against you. And you graduated with a bachelor degree making you the first graduate amongst the cousins. We now regretted no being there on your graduation day to share with you your only milestone achievement. If only time can be reversed, I promise I will be the first one to attend your graduation.

I can’t remember much about your growing years. I left home when you were a toddler. Every time I returned home, you grew a bit more. The only thing I remember was your squint eye, which we forgivingly went unnoticed. And through the years you gave us the joy of someone worth having and hanging around. That’s the trademark of you, Tze Yi. You have always wanted to make people happy.

Tze Yi is in heaven now. This is not the time for us to grieve his death but it’s our time to celebrate his life. Don’t ever forget Tze Yi. He never wanted to see people cry, he wanted everyone to be happy. Now that we have laid his body to rest, let us all think back and remember how Tze Yi touched our lives. How he made us laugh and how good he was as a person. This is not the moment for us to shed our tears but we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a person named Tze Yi.
If tears could build a stairway,
And memories were a lane,
We could all walk right up to heaven,
And bring him home again.
No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
Our hearts still aches in sadness,
And secret tears still flow,
What it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.
For being a great chess player, this move of yours had us puzzled. For being a King’s Scout, we will honour your every move. From all of us, rest in peace, Tze Yi. You will be remembered and loved as if you are still with us.

Friday, November 28, 2008

This would be really funny if it wasn’t happening to me

Ladies and gentlemen, today I sound an urgent alarm about a creeping danger which is growing unnoticed within our very lives. I am talking about: our teeth. A subject I have long forgotten and you probably long neglected. I am not sure if this only happens to me; my visits to dentist has always been eventful but never cheap. I tried the posh up-market version, kampung version, affordable-to-all version. I don’t mean to flaunt on what I can afford but to check the difference in pain level. I am also not refering to the physical pain but the monetary notion. The truth, at the end of each visit, is the likelihood that you will experience both the pains. I am not going to tell you which one hurts more; it is for you to guess and for me to decide my next dentist.

Amazingly, today I went back to my very first up-market dentist in Hong Kong. Yup, my last visit was back in 1998 at a time when others struggled and grumbled being burnt in the stock market. It was a time while others complained most about dwindling wealths; and I bittered my way out of a doom’s marriage. Ten years on, they still keep my file in delicate condition amongst other things albeit losing a few teeth in the process.

As I trooped unsteadily to my dentist’s clinic, I was greeted with two smiling lasses at the reception desk. I couldn’t help but to wonder the condition of their teeth, perfectly flawless. No wonder they can afford to smile so beamingly and so effortlessly. I was escorted by a petite lady claiming to be my hygienist with pleasing manners. She is cute, I thought but not until she grines my teeth did I realise how tough small lady can be! She explained patiently how complicated the scaling can be, how long it would be and worst of all…….what the next round is to be. The next round is about deep scaling as I am suffering from early stage of gum disease called gingivitis. I don’t know why, but none of my other siblings seem to have any history of dental problems. I am the only exception!

I was a bit worried but this soon disappeared since I reasoned out that I am at her mercy as she grines, drill, polish and air abrase my teeth in just under one hour or a bit more. She must be the only person to scale my teeth so incessantly ruthless. But she did a good job by scaling out those stubborn plaque and tartar in sizeable pieces (don’t even think of saying something bad, I am not asking for an opinion here!!!). The other dentist (that’s round 2 unfortunately) is probably my hygienist mentor because she is equally nice. Within a few minutes I was seated and readily continued the whole process of sufferings again. This time the doctor pricked each teeth down to the jaw bones. Each time reading out, MB21 or LB23 or whatever. To me, knowing the meaning is meaningless but when will they finished is my question.

My dentist was checking the teeth near the wisdom teeth and discovered something. “Your wisdom tooth is loosening” she said. Huh? meaning? I said to myself, more money!!!! According to her, I could have it or have it removed. To which having it is of no usage but adds the bad breathe. I felt like asking her which was cheaper but thought this was a silly question to ask. A few minutes later she was removing my tooth. Of course there were other factors that prompted me to have the tooth removed. One being the last of my once four wisdoms and the other being she did not have to make a big incision or cut bone in order to extract that tooth.

All of this was done of course in the background of Louis Armstrong music, National Geographic above me and the chatting of the two dentists, who did the whole show as a tag team. Interestingly, dentists love to chat about small things in front of their patients. Pretty bizarre if you ask me. “don't worry it will soon be over. Now where was I, ah…. Mrs. Sledgehammer…she couldn't hold her mouth open, we had to use a jack to stop her mouth closing. I am not sure why….but the last time we got the wrong tooth out during the confusion……hehehe don't you think it funny (poking your cheek)??” The only time they were silent was when something critical was done like half way between chiselling and sawing your tooth. This happened to be my observation in my many many unwelcome dental visits.

I am glad to add, it did not turn into a scene from the Marathon Man although it was almost there during my scaling. Imagine the dentist speaking in deep german accent and asking “Is it safe?” For those who have watched this thrilller you will understand what I mean...Dr. Christian and poor old Babe. The moral of the story is never visit a german dentist!!! nevermind what William Goldman wrote.

The whole dental pilgrimage lasted for many than 3 hours. I did feel the pain, the music, the small talks of the dentist (shut-up please), the numbness due to the liberal injections of local anaesthesia and a pinching lost of my last savings (for Xmas)!! With that, I lost the last of my limited wisdom. I suppose henceforth I can act a bit whacky and stupidier (I am not asking for an opinion here) than before. I also read somewhere that when one is troubled by one’s wisdom teeth one gets a gem of wisdom for each wisdom tooth extract. True? I don’t know but I paid $6770 to my dentist. Guess who lost the tooth and who gets the gem?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Silent Cashmas

Got this rather cruel message from a friend. So thoughtful of her!
Let's Sing together everybody~~~~
Latest Christmas carol for 2008..

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise

Recession is coming to town
It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake,
HEY You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk

So keep out for goodness sake,
OH You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Yesterday Once More

This weekend, as in any other week in my forever monotonous life, happens to be the most fun packed evening I have had in many years. And for a very simple reason, this week my daughter needed help with her school project. It was actually quite ‘easy’ as long as you are over 45 years old, have a passion for nostalgia and don’t really need a brain (ok, I am stupid…how?) to work on it. A chance to redeem myself (I said to myself), something different from her previous requests, I must say. The project, I am proud to announce is “Things of the past”. I started by asking “hmmmmh, you mean people?” or “places?” or even “gadgets?” To which she gave me a scornful look and said “dad, things of the past means anything from the past including you!!” I was speechless and went quietly delving deep into my past.

When I young I used to wonder what it would be like to be an adult and the many thrills of having money in your wallet. It was a time when it’s no fun being a kid and all you hear were instructions, restrictions and more counter instructions. The idea of ‘fun’ just doesn’t exist and even if it does, it would be the barest ‘fun’ with no fun attached. Now that I am an adult (hmm…. no, middle age should be more appropriate), I realized it’s no better being an adult either. I still don’t have money in my pocket; ‘fun’ is still in the barest form. How unfortunate! Even the infamous “It’s about time. It’s about Change” hardly adds to the fun.

Having talked to my daughter and my niece, I now realize that one can receive the same level of excitement and satisfaction by simply gluing oneself to the chair next to a cafe and start surfing. Surfing can make you slave 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and if you are lucky, you get a reward; you can start to surf again. I am not against surfing, but not to the extent of surfing meaninglessly. I can’t say we spent, back in those wonderful days, quality time. We don't have computer, never-mind the lap top, all we had were counting cars based on pure memory. Yes, we also slave 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and if we are lucky, we get a reward; we made someone count for us.

In the old days, the least I could say was, mathematically the power of addition, subtraction and even multiplication comes in handy through the whole process of counting. These days’ things are made relatively easier by calculator, and it comes on your ruler, notebook, phone, clock etc. I remember having my first calculator, remember those old LED calculators? Don’t they just look good? Large buttons and displays that lits up in the dark. To be honest, I had my first calculator when I was at Form Six, by which time I already knew the basic mathematics and can memorise time tables up to 12. Say…….how is that the time tables are done in this manner only? You start from 1 times 2 until 12 times 2, then move up to 1 times 3 until you reached 12 times 3 and move to 4. The last time table you ever need to memorise is 12 and ends at 12 times 12. What about 13 and onwards? Pretty strange indeed.

Yes, life was indeed much simpler then. Even the songs were composed differently. You can hear each word (now, take this from me….words we think are not necessary words they sung) and hummed along effortlessly. You actually listen patiently, and to the mercy of the DJs to play the song you want. These days, you simply download any songs; erase them when you get tired of listening. Back in the old days, you have two choices either you wait for the heartless DJ to play your song or you buy the vinyl version. And in those days, I hear nobody complaining about sound quality. Amplifying it through a 5 ft loudspeaker is probably more important. And, strangely I hear no one singing in the toilet these days. Certainly not my daughter or the people belonging to her generation. So if you hear some flat tones coming somewhere near the toilet, you can be doubly sure that person is uncle or aunty without making any sensible guess.

Apart from the audio advancement, I have a strong passion and affiliation on the video part. My daughter’s impression of video is the DVD player, until I show her the monster projector. I had a tough time explaining to her the rattling sounds, burning of films and the sound system being camouflaged by an equaling loud generator. But more importantly, I managed to explain the open air cinema I experienced as a child. What about the mosquitoes and the rain, she asked. Yes, unfortunately the light from the projector attracted plenty insects and the screen are for most of the time covered with shadows of the insects. I can’t remember much about the rain especially during the monsoon months.

Perhaps I over-imagined, but a few monsoons after, we got our very first second hand black and white TV. I don’t see the same problem these days but in those days you needed a fan behind the TV (to cool it down) while we perspire and sweat profusely in the CROWD. I can’t tell why but when it comes to the most crucial moment, some elders (usually mum or dad) will shout “shut down the TV, it is getting too hot”. Duh!!! If not, there is always the same old message “We apologise for this temporary breakdown. Normal service will resume shortly.” Strangely, mum and dad will not shut down the TV but waited patiently. I guess I have a special passion for TV, for I simply grew up with it. But there were painful experience as well, one being fervently electrocuted for trying hard to adjust the ‘quality’ by getting rid of ‘fussy image’, ‘snowy image’ etc. All for the sake of watching the full hour of “A Little House on the Prairie” back in the days when a fan is meant only to cool down the TV and not the audience.

Watching my teenage daughter painstakingly save every picture I found for her, laughed and screamed in excitement as she was introduced the newer things of the past, my thoughts went back to those childhood days when I grew up in a little known place "Kulai Besar Estate." In the words of the Carpenters, “Looking back on how it was in years gone by. And the good times that I had. Makes today seem rather sad, so much has changed. Those were such happy times, and not so long ago. How I wonder where they’d gone.”
Sorry, it wasn’t me singing from the toilet!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Generation Gap - Age for Simplicity

Here is one of the greatest mysteries of modern times, and something for us to ponder (to be precise, for oldies like me) about the changing times. And yes, we are really talking about one generation gap. I don’t intend to sound rude but almost everyone in my generation tried hard not to misspell each word we learned from school. The only reason, that I can remember, is to upkeep our proficiency in the language. And yes, we are talking about the English language. We memorized in our heart, lung, mouth but not the brain (probably), to follow some sets of rules. Rules invented by…..I don’t know who, such as spell ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’, or Borrow means "to take," while lend means "to give." And then quite suddenly, in the same manner as Columbus would have thought he discovered India, almost everyone in the current generation maintained their mastery of the language by doing the complete opposite. How cum?

Too late is to be written as “l8” and “88” means bye-bye? How’s it the current generation of people can communicate with each other using this bare-bones version of English while others like me struggle with it? Izit only me? You don't have to be brilliant at English language to be a Queen’s Counsel or even be another Lingam, they say. Anyone can say “it looks like me, it sounds like me, but it is not me” one, and then get paid in 10 digits! This claim is insightful, unfounded, and completely wrong. Instead people in our generation are likely to say “…..this hypothetical oversight has been the subject of recent discussion, is not shrouded in quite such impenetrable obscurity as certain previous disclosures may have led us to assume”. People who say this have no idea about the differences when confronted by such a thing as generation gap. The current generation will applaud to simplicity instead of using long sentences separate by coma, semi-colon, colon, s apostrophe, apostrophe s and period.

My niece is just one of the many who love simplicity in words and for most of the time would use something that is illegible. It is either me or her……. Blessed with almost a perfect brain, she writes in a manner that kept me baffled and ended up more bemused by my lack of comprehension on simplicity (I guess I shouldn’t be too harsh on her but sometimes the goal of provocation is not to get rid of all the pain, but to improve it). I have to admit; I couldn’t help but laugh when I was first introduced to her blog. What she wrote is unassumingly not funny but canny. So canny it was that I raced with my logical mind to laugh off from my backwardness. I needed to read 3 times, or sometimes 4, to figure out what she tried to convey. Indeed, such was the subtlety in the usage of English by our current generation. Here is one good example, her latest blog.

Last days of school, the normal behavior is feeling bitter, but am I? This is the last day of our honeymoon year. Well, at least today wasn't much of a waste, except Cik Nalini was being so aggravating. She and her NO CARDS rule. You and I know that it's not allowed, but hey, it's THE LAST DAY! Hello? Students break school rules all the time and that will not change, what can I say? It's just our nature, the real us. I mean, come on , she's just a temporary teacher. Well, she can be nice sometime, like giving us all better marks in our art. Okay, now where was I ? Oh, yeah , I just wish that I had appreciate everything that was given to me when I had the chance. Not that I did not appreciate 2 Balau, I did, but the point is it's slipping from my grasps so fast that I didn't have a good chance to hold it tight and never letting it go.

You get it? I got it after my 4th trial but still trying to understand “2 balau.” But I guess, as she honestly puts it (bless her young soul for being so humble and we love her like mad!!!) “I am not that clever, u noe. Need to double or triple my usual study time in preparing for the exam. By the time I finish the exam, I go completely blank!” “Nevermind la, what’s done’s done. I will remember what I forget, or forget to remember, or remember not to forget what I forget by next year.” It may come as a shock and total utter dismay to oldies like us, but hang on, perhaps this is the trend. So my advice to all, me included, get on with the jargon, write it down in case you are suffering from amnesia (I guess I am about to suffer…….soon) and read more so that it could come useful one day. I don’t want to sound like a complete jerk in 15 years time when she gets her Ph.D in law and is trying to impress people.

I can imagine finding myself saying something along these lines…… “I can tell you what happened 15 years ago with great detail; I just can't tell you what happened 10 minutes ago. Say, what’s your name again?” In the context of the current jargon …. “I kan tel u wat hapened 15 yrs ago with g8 dtail; I jus kant tel u wat hapened 10 min a go. Sy wats ur nam agin?” I am not going to digress; I guess u noe wat I mint.

But for the time being, I must express in the strongest possible terms my profound opposition to the newly instituted practice which imposes severe and intolerable restrictions on the ingress and egress of words and will, in all probability, should the current deplorable innovation be perpetuated, precipitate a progressive constriction of the channels of communication, culminating in a condition of organisational atrophy which will render effectively impossible the coherent and co-ordinated discharge of Her Majesty's English.

Or, maybe someone should train the Queen to speak “harlo welkum to inklan.” Sounds like a good starter! And to my dear niece “Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. Keep up the good works

The Generation Gap
The Silent Generation: people born before 1945
The Baby Boomers: people born between 1945 and 1961
Generation X: people born between 1962 and 1976
Generation Y: people born between 1977 and ??

Why do we call the last one Generation Y?

I don’t know, but a caricaturist explains it eloquently below...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Knock Knock, Anybody Home?

Some time ago, I came across an interesting article about friends, relatives, backgrounds and cultures. Interestingly enough the Scots, except for Mary Queen of Scots and William Wallace (they both get killed for some other reasons), came in as the most unwelcomed list of people. They are notorious for sneaking into your house / apartment / hut unannounced and will expect you to treat them will all courtesies including a hot supper and some warm whiskies before hitting the sheets in your newly refurnished bedroom. An Englishman having suffered so much from the frequent ‘conveniences’ decided on one last measures, he torched his own house to stop these uninvited Scots once and for all. Coming in close at the second place is none other than the Jewish. You may have read why people of this race were shot, gassed or hung by the Nazi. What they hadn’t bothered were the details as to why such measures were singularly brought up just for the single race of Jews. According to unreliable researchers from the lesser known University of Frankfart, an unofficial archive suggested that the Jews were killed primarily for seeking refuge and overstaying in domiciles of their hosts. In this case, sadly, the hosts were the Nazi.

I am pretty sure there are also strings of stories from other unwelcome races in our daily life. Somehow some of us are extremely tolerant, giving excuses like…..well they haven't visited us since Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and when grandpa was still alive and kicking. Some are less fortunate and with their tolerance level up to their necks like…..say honey how’s that your good friend is always in the house whenever we decided on a sumptuous dinner??? I don’t wish to attribute such remarks as unsociable but rather the theory of relativity of institutional insane relatives/friends.

You may think the recent US presidential election is a tricky racial to resolve but not until you have experienced Mrs. Yin visit to her son’s apartment. Admittedly, there weren’t debates, US$150K costumes or even a slight suggestive wink. But since both events occurred around the same time, the two events are pretty much on a par in terms of complexity. You just can’t avoid seeing Obama or McCain on TV, and so is Mrs. Yin. They would be debating and she would be sweeping right in front of you, or constantly having something to wash in the washing machine.

This past two weeks marked the first ever short trip by my mother. Contrary to what many would thought as an intentional short trip (not my mother, she would want a stay equaling to $ per day, and $ meaning in terms of Vietnam dongs), it was duly interrupted by my brother’s carefully planned trip home. Yup, you got it, unfortunately the best planner since Christ, a trip planned 6 months ahead without even consulting any of us. Say…..would it be that difficult to say …….“hey, I am coming AGAIN and I am going to trouble you AGAIN”. Pretty unfortunate as my family spreads between Australia crossing Singapore and Malaysia to Hong Kong and with some left-overs in China, and the advents in high speed technology is not something some of us would indulge.

We don’t meet up with each other often although on some occasions we do, mostly at weddings and………. I am not going to say it out. Sadly this is the case. When we don’t meet up, we missed each other but when we do we are likely to end up quarrelling and arguing over trivial matters……mostly to do with $. Indeed, such is the trend of having a geographically spread families. I am not saying I am not fond of them nor would I say I am elated to have their presence. I can only say I can cope with relatives visits once in a blue moon…..perhaps on occasions when I am truly feeling blue and lonely. Such mode can only occur once per century to be more precise………or absence makes the heart grow fungus.

No, actually we got on really well. So well, we remained tolerant against each other’s shortcomings and welcoming any unwelcome unannounced trips, planned or unplanned. You see, by the time we are exposed to so many undignified experiences we realized that extreme portion of patience and tolerances remained vital to maintain family harmonies, or …….it may seemed the case.
Anyway, I am writing this blog for my dear older ‘blur’ brother (oh yes, your kind younger sister’s word, not mine!), with the hope that he will not visit her for a lengthy over-extended stay. Her son, according to her own judgment, is a late rusher when it comes to exam preparation. Anyway, he is probably just about to start organizing his first major milestone in his quest for education. Leaving him alone is probably a good idea! What do you think, Mr. Unplanned Planner?