Monday, July 20, 2009


I have only one word to describe my life over the last two weeks, and that is, TIRING. I was zipping in and out, working over the weekends to fit my schedules, and without a day’s break. I must really be getting old because the once young body is beginning to feel the tiredness creeping. And it was over dinner, in Cambodia, that my close friend asked this simple question…. “Do you have any regrets in your life so far?” I don’t have an answer to his rather innocent question, but I do know, for sure, I will never win the British Open Golf championship no matter how hard I may try. And I also know I will not become the Prime Minister of my home country, ever! Not that I am hard-up to become the First Citizen, I simply know I will never achieve it come what may.

As I board on the plane to Hong Kong that quiet evening, and after the initial scrabbling and commotion of seats by fellow travelers, I knew I found the answer to my friend’s simple question. It was found in the lyrics of a Mandarin song. I may not be Chinese educated but having stayed in Hong Kong for 17 years; I can claim to have achieved a certain proficiency in understanding and reading the characters.

And here is it, to the many others like me out there, finding an excuse of what to do with life and what the journey usually entail.
朋友越來越多 但是寂寞並不因此而少一點
就好像感覺自己孤伶伶的 站在十字路口一樣
窗外車水馬龍 我的朋友們
上班 只是另一種舞台
平凡 但真實的

當然 寂寞並不代表空虛 
在某些時候 避免不了的寂寞
想一想 我曾經獲得了甚麼?
而答案 往往是在朋友來了之後
在開懷暢敘之間 浮印得更清晰
而心情 也往往在朋友走了之後

連彼此真誠的相互關懷一下 也要抽個空
朋友 真的希望 有空來坐坐

請你有空來坐坐 來坐坐

朋友 明天要往哪走
我們都把作夢的時間 用的太久
沒有空執著 沒時間掌握

一杯紅茶 幾句實話 勝過那穿腸烈酒
歲月不曾改變甚麼 只能夠盡興的生活
朋友 煩惱 是這麼多
我們 每個人都在承受請你
有空來坐坐 有空來坐坐

朋友 你是否還執著
請你有空來坐坐 來坐坐

朋友 明天要往哪走
我們都把作夢的時間 用的太久
沒有空執著 沒時間掌握

一杯紅茶 幾句實話 勝過那穿腸烈酒
歲月不曾改變甚麼 只能夠盡興的生活
朋友 夢想 是這麼多
我們 每個人都在追求
請你 有空來坐坐 有空來坐坐

Enough said. I like to borrow James Frey's A Million Little Pieces to sum it up. The perspective of how things look through different colored lenses and how one person's reality may be another person's fairy tale. To me, it is "我曾經獲得了甚麼?失去了甚麼?正在追求甚麼?"

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