Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yau Yat Wok!!!!! Hong Kong Hong Kong

Yau yat wok (another wok)?

Yup, Hong Kong is back to the health limelight YET again. After battling avian flu 1, SARS, avian flu 2, 3 and now the Swine Flu, the government should, theoretically, be well equipped for action. I don’t know about you but at the very first confirmed case, our Secretary for Health has invoked Chapter 599 of the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance. With all that experience in dealing with deadlier infectious disease, we should ‘try’ other alternatives but certainly not 599 which is to be invoked in the event of HK being badly hit! This to me, is not difference to taking draconian measures to contain the spread of the disease.

Are we over-reacting?

Have we thought more thoroughly?

Why only in Hong Kong?

After years of hospital blunders, mislabelling of medicine, misdiagnosis, mishandling of corpses, inter-departmental finger pointing, inefficient government bureaus......yeah, it is as if we are prepared for it!

Come day 1, everybody has their surgical mask on. I really wonder if we have over-reacted, or the government have declared emergency rather prematurely.

Postscript: Why is it always MetroPark Hotel? SARS = MetroPark Hotel Kowloon and now Swine Flu = Metropark Hotel Hong Kong. Can anyone tell me why?

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