Monday, August 4, 2008

Thou Shall Wait

Wherever I go these days, I can't help but to think of the many hours being wasted waiting. I never fully understood why we have to wait, sometimes through the hours of agony and sometimes through the physical tortures……. In recent weeks, we in Hong Kong, witnessed a few fine examples of waits, we have the maids waiting in the queue to renew the contract and to save their livelihood at a mere $400 levy charge. The government of Hong Kong made a blunder by announcing the lifting of the levy and in doing so caused havoc among the people and the maids. Then we had this massive queue for anything related to the Olympics…….ranging from new prints to first day covers. I am beginning to think if we ever have an Olympics event on queuing; Hong Kong will probably win the gold medal.

To wait is the most boring thing to do, I don’t mind wasting my time being a couch potato but to sit down under the hot sun is …… absolute NO…..period. Can you imagine a family, three tiers, all waiting under a tiny umbrella, doing the usual waiting, talking, and some even cooking! When they could have made better use of the time wasted with their usual waiting, talking and even some cooking at home. But then again, it is either people love to queue or afraid of being losing out. Imagine the fuss about inflation and artificially inflated market price these days, but people will not have a second thought about queuing and buying stuff which is of no immediate use to them. I wonder……..I really wonder why people can behave in this manner.
Well I can only say ‘WAITING’ spares no one. Yes, not you, not me. We are all the subject of ‘WAIT’. I waited endlessly at the airport lounges in my normal routine of flying around little cities like Phnom Penh, Saigon, Bangkok and the likes. I see people breezing past me, some at the speed of lightning (usually associated with couples with baggage of three teenage aged offspring); some at the usual snail speed (usually associated with couples who are on their first dates); and the rest fellow travelers, like us, who would sit spread eagle, doing nothing but scornfully sneering at each other to get past the long WAIT.

Just when you thought the whole idea of WAIT is almost over, you are then faced with another grander surprise that a passenger or a group of passengers have gone missing…… “tok, tok …..Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. On behalf of Cathay Pacific, I would like to apologise for the delay. We should be taxiing out in a few minutes as we are still waiting for the last few passengers. So, if I may ask you to sit back and relax; and I should come back just before we descend” When he actually meant, “ladies and gentlemen, this is me speaking and I have been through this a zillion times by now. It is the freaking delays by the airport controllers and the damn securities that caused all these. Not forgetting the group of passengers who has gone missing and we are sending our SAS troopers to track them down. I hope they come back with hand-cuffed for causing this delay!”

And so, while the rest of the world is passing me, I am still here waiting…….yes, waiting for the arrival of SOMEONE.

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