Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Elusive Cup of Tea

This world is getting weirder by the day. I don’t know if it was just me but when we found our ‘other half’, we will announce discreetly to those close to us. Or, only to admit when we are ‘caught’ being together. I say this because my dear niece took the value of announcing her other half to another height. And yes, you probably would have guessed correctly, it was through The Facebook. I can’t say much for today’s technology, though it may be seamless in many ways and gets the message across at the instance of a “tap”; it does have its limitations. Surreal it may be for people like us, the generation who has yet to fully comprehend information at the speed of light, nevermind the notion of software’s upgrades at the rate of changing clothes, are evidently lost. Do we attribute this as technological advances? Or, simply out of touch!

By the time the good news got to us, and yes it was through my sister’s and my offsprings, we went straight into the old way. We deliberated for days (that’s how slow things can move for oldies like us) as to who is the right person to make the phone call, which was a relief because I had the worry that my brother may prompt one of us to write via snail mail to her. Whilst we may have ‘progressed’ via exchanging our views through emails, the way in which we approached the issue was simply appalling. We considered, imagined, reconsidered, weighed and digress until the news has gone stale. For my niece, it was simply “Status changed” and everybody in her generation got the message she was hitched. Quite simple, Q.E.D. And the question to us is why we have to put ourselves into the gruelingly agonizing phase of considering the pros and cons of prompting her that innocent question. Yes, as elders we do enjoy the privy of being told, not ask! I suppose it was the ‘face’ value that led us to think of a nice way to ask her, out of curiosity and impatience. Instead, we went through long email exchanges.

Me: Just to share with you a piece of good news. Rumour has it that Ah Mei has found a boyfriend. Apparently, all in their generation are aware of it except oldies like us.

My brother: This is good news indeed. Can’t wait to see the photos

Me: For your eyes only.......hahahahaha

My Brother: Looks ok. How old is he and from where? Any idea?

Me: Ehhhhhhhhhh.......that's where your service comes in. Fah and myself deliberated in great length last nite and we arrived at a common consensus. You are the best person to call and find out! What was known in the FB, as stalked by Fah, he is from Kulai and suspected to be the brother of Mei's fren. Needs confirmation from your call to 2nd sis. Can you do the honour? If so, plse ask his occupation too

My brother: Pandai you both. Its odd for me to call her out of the blue so will wait till end Aug when mother goes HK and father is alone at home. Then i will have reason to call her. If both of you are impatient, suggest Fah to call as she talks to her more often. Perhaps a better proposition is that you call, this is a golden opportunity???

Me: Semua Tai-chi master sekarang!

My sister: Exactly, all desperado turn tai chi expert! I mustered enough courage to call them just now but of course I said u guys made me do it. Hihihihi.....

Anyway, Kiong was right, that guy is fr Saleng . He's now working in Senai. I did asked abt his job but it was a bit noisy when mei mentioned it. Sorry to say I was a bit deaf n didn't get wat she told me. Next time will check again. He's actually Ah Niu's school mate. They did go for yum char on n off since last yr but only now decided to "click".

Mei said he's a hardworking fellow, not much bad habits as in gambling etc... Well, she said will introduce to us during new year. I told her to post more updates so we can know the details. There u are, just a bit of news to satisfy your curiosity.

Me: Yes, fairy tales. Don't we all wish for fairy tales ending? Hahahah.. Anyway, that elusive cup of tea is all we are waiting for. Time to attend one lah.....and we are still waiting.

My brother: Come to think of it, our side is very slow (have not even started) compared to the Prawn & Pig families!

My Sister: Yup, our necks are longer than the giraffes with all the waiting. High time to have some celebration on our side! Hope it will come soon, high time for something to celebrate and look forward to.

With this, we hope the elusive cup of tea is just within our reach and about time we take our respective seats in the Elders Hall of Fame and await for that elusive tea. Seated, of course, as deserving elders of the clan!

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