Friday, June 27, 2008

One Little Two Little Three Little Indians

You may have read the recent news report that Vietnam’s economy is heading for a downturn whilst India’s is still going hot! I don’t mean curry, I meant their economy. This worries me. I think the root of it is really to do curry and the likelihood to blow gas after a heart-felt consumption. Dangerous stuff, may I add.

I was in mystical land, India, over the weekend on a business trip although pleasure is also on the agenda. At least, that was what I thought. I was unaware of the customs and the way to respond in a strange land of Indians. In my mind, there are only two types of Indian. One is the Semi-Value version where you habitually change your toupee: synthetic fiber or real (those that get washed by Ganges River). The other version bollywood, Siao-Veli, version where you habitually show-off with mobs of hair (really envious of these people): dancing and singing all the time for no apparent reason.

Wherever I go, I find 50% of them don’t speak a word of English, 30% knew some but is unable to make up a sentence, and the 20% who knew ended up speaking with their head shaking in synchrony to each syllable they pronounced. I feel sick looking at the head shifting left to right; back and forth…… get that feeling? I don’t understand why after some 100 years or so of British rule, Indian still cannot speak Inglish. I tried figuring this out in the taxi, in their tutu but definitely not on the bus, and almost came out with an answer. But as soon as I came close to fitting the gaps between the riddles, I got intoxicated with someone’s natural exhaust! Yes, the beans they really can generate gases of all kind. I am also glad to concur that natural fart out of vegetarian diets don’t smell. Hahahahhahahahaha….. So the next time you go to India, you don’t have to wear mask or cover your nose upon hearing some strange noises oozing out from within the sarees or Salwars.

Indians are also notoriously slow in whatever they do. Simple chores will take them eternity, be it alighting from a car or a plane. In my two days there, I must have witnessed my nails growing while waiting for the person in front of me making an order. I find it very strange, and rather amusing that people in this sub-continent love doing this in a slow motion. You see a Bollywood movie, everybody is dancing and moving contrastingly fast……..or could it be they fast forward the reel of films?? I am not surprised considering Bollywood produces something like 300 movies per day. If they can make so many movies in a day, they can most certainly do the fast forward at the blink of an eye. Trust me, I am saying this with great confidence for I am sure I saw an extra doze off in one corner while those ‘fast forward dancing main characters’ were dancing, smiling and singing all in one shot! Yes, I admit I was watching TV in my hotel and watching Bollywood to the fullest.

Indian cars, like their drivers, are slow and small. So small that it makes you wonder how a big Indian can fit into it comfortably. And they love cramming into their car in a number more than it was manufactured to take. Can you imagine in those baking hot summer, someone did something really cheeky…….like releasing a long fart? Ironically, most Indian cars come without air-condition even with the technological feat they are able to boast! My guess is they have a reason for what they do, all those beans diet makes them fart perpetually and one just needs to keep the ventilation in a proper order.

That's when you fart too much and everybody needs a fresh breather

I am also equally bemused the degree of conservatism the Indian society can be, even in this 21st century. I went to the spa with my colleague, and after spending 15 minutes we finally arrived at a choice of massage. It was termed four hands massage, with a reasonable charge over a reasonable duration. Both of us asked the lady what actually constitutes a four hand massage. She gave us a plain simple answer of ……..two masseurs. Wow! One doing the head and the other doing the body……in my dreams! And we waited, and waited until some 30 minutes later a man turned up in front of us. My natural instincts told me that this is the very person who, accompanied by an even bigger fella, is going to massage me! So I asked hoping for a negative answer. I was disappointed that my instincts were true, and shocked by the fact that any ably bodied person (man in particular) may subdue himself to another bloke. I stood up, said ‘sorry’ and headed for the door without bothering to look back at cluster of surprise faces!

That's part consequences of riding over-crowded cars or too much curries

This, incidentally, brought my memory back to my school years of memorizing famous quotation from famous person. Since I am in India, I guess good old Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes amply described my trip to India. Here it is for all of you, “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny”.

Mr. Gandhi, with all due respects, my belief is that I thought India is a modern society, whatever I said only 20% of your people can understand and I don’t feel sick all the time. If you think puking is my habits then you are wrong because I don’t value my pukes. Perhaps it is my destiny to visit India now but I still think I came 100 years too early!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Read today's newspaper on the hike of prices for various utilities. I have nothing to say except to share this song from Sam Hui.




(加加加......) (怕怕怕......)


or you may click on to this link for the song

Pay more now!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best in Singapore and JB, and some say Batam

To be, or not to be kiasu: that is the question. You will know you are a kiasu being when you are kiasu about being kiasu. There you go, sums up the current sentiment of our neighbour south of the border in one sentence. Our wise politicians have, finally, realized that billions of ringgit is wasted in subsidizing our neighbours and quite rightfully come to their senses on the banning of such privileges.
Kiasuland, however, thought otherwise and has, since the birth of Christ, been having trouble with their logics. They claimed to have spent at least 6 to 7 times the cost of petrol during any of the trips across the border. As if to say they will no longer visit our country in future? If the answer is affirmative, I will be laughing with joy because I can then estimate the time needed to reach Changi Airport without the hiccup of being caught in traffic congestion. If the answer is negative, I don't know what to say about people with peanut brains. The only consolation I can offer is that the kiasu mentality is essential to make use of everything given, not losing out to any and finally to optimize at your own comfort zone. More than that, they now need to fight tooth and nail outside their usual comfort zone!

In my many years there, I have learned a thing or two about the people’s mentality. Such an attitude is often highly competitive, and its emphasis is to be above all other people, even if it means putting others. But to be kiasu is not only to be competitive. Kiasu people are driven out of fear of losing probably more than the desire to succeed. But they will not admit to this fact out of kiasuness.

Here is the A to Z of kiasu

Always a must to win
Borrow and never return
Cheap is nice and good
Don’t trust anybody, not even your family
Everything is up for grab and must grab
Free is always the best
Grab anything at the first instance and talk later
Help yourself to everything
I first, I want, I for everything
Jump queue is a norm
Keeps coming back for more
Look for discount
Must not lose face
Never mind what they think
Outdo everyone you know
Pay only when necessary
Quit while you are ahead
Rushing and pushing wins the race
Samples are always welcome
Take but never ever give
Unless it’s free forget it
Vow to be number one
Winner takes it All
XXXX must be under government instruction
Yell if necessary to get what you want
Zebras are kiasu because they want to be both black and white at the same time

It is also this kiasu attitude that led to the development of Singlish which I thought is simply the weirdest and the mother of all inventions, and I don't like it at all. They think of this language as highly innovative and affectionately labelled themselves with Singlish. I thought this is the final insult to the colonial government of the past. It is not difficult to distinguish the only Singaporean within a sea of a thousand faces. All you need is to listen to probably one syllable and you will automatically point the thorn amongst the roses.

Usual words by citizen of kiasuland

Ah then - Go World Trade Centre can take 61 meh? Ah Kow: Ah then? Of cos lar!
All Over the Shop - Hey Ah Beng, I want to buy some Maggie Mee but cannot find, leh? How you arrange things, one? Your things lay-long all over the shop!
Arrow - Wow lau! My boss "arrow" me to do this job. I very pek chek lah!! "You sabo king! Just because I never come for meeting you arrow me to do this leport!"
Bakchew tah sai - She so happening! He like tek ko she really bakchew tah sai!
Blur like Sotong - you blur like sotong, how come ?
Borrow Me - Ah-Beng: Eh, my Brylcream donno go where. Can you borrow me your hairgel?
Buey tah han – Wah lao eh, this exam I really buey tah han it ah. Soo meny questions i dunno.
Cham siong- Why like dat, can cham siong or not?
Chiminology- Ooi! Wat you say I dun understand lah, stop using those chiminology can or not!
Dom Pang - My buy-si-cal broke down today, can dom pang your kar to werk today or not.
Ga Na THRASH - That team is too good for your team, you all GA NA Thrash!
Heng- Wah lau eh, you still wear friendship bands ah? They now buey heng liao lah.
Hao lian- mai hao lian lah!
Jia Lat - jia-lat man! Exam this time sure fail one.
Jheelo - One hunnert, you idiert!!! One-jheelo-jheelo!
Ohso - Can you drop me home. "Ohso can" How about go to Yaohan? "Ohso can" Take me out for dinner? "Ohso can"

I guess I have said enough of our neighbours from the south.
  • The sad part of why I think the banning of fuel for foreign cars has no impact on them is that they still are confused over words like condoms and condos.
  • An even sadder part is that 50% of the population in kiasuland is permanent residency of Malaysian origin. Most scholars from that place are in fact Malaysian living there.
  • But the saddest part of all is this, “Last month, Umno Johor said that the greatest mistake they made was in giving the non-Malay immigrants citizenship in August 1957. Now that they have been given citizenship they show their ingratitude by voting for the opposition. Yes, non-Malays, even those born in Malaysia, are immigrants. And, being immigrants, they must vote Barisan Nasional. And if they do not vote for Barisan Nasional then they are ungrateful.

Damn tu-lan reading this, I tell you!

Now we know why so many of us simply walk over and embrace kiasuness. In a way, it is weird, saying something bad about these people is like saying in front of the mirror. It reflects on us, the very same people only in a different land. Chim leh, my fri-end………..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Holy Smoke!


You may have read the recent Star news report that a certain group is calling for a Pow-wow over a weekend. They call it Pow-wow instead of a ‘retreat for the purpose of retreat’ or ‘party gun slinging finger pointing jamboree’ or even ‘withdrawal’. This worries me. I think pow-wow is weird, dangerous stuff with the head-dos that involves killing more birds for feathers. It is true that our newspaper’s editor grasp of English vocabulary has fallen sharply as do politician finding the right word for the right occasion? Or, it is just because our flag looks more USA from a distance? I wouldn’t care if some parties ended up losing their hair but I sincerely hope it doesn't involved killing the birds for feathers !!!!
The weird thing was that the organiser, as well as the newspaper, thought this so called Pow-wow is introduced as if it was dramatically different. Yeah…..without the Red Indians but lots of cowboys, I might agree it may be dramatically different! At this stage, I can begin to think of a thousand names to replace Pow-wow if the names don't bear any resemblance to the meeting. I can call it:

a) The Last Tango
b) The Long March
c) The Titanic
d) The Slightly Longer March
e) The Last Supper

I mean, what’s the deal with this? What is the urgency? Afterall, it took them a few good months to agree on the disagreements, weeks to avoid the real issues and days to remind themselves something went really really wrong. Can you imagine the sort of progress? I can’t but I can imagine the mud-slinging, rabbit punches, backstabbing and kick punches. Whoever is going to survive will have a face no better than this!

I am also not sure if anyone of them ever read Sun-Tzu and the art of war. In case they hadn’t, I urge them to read it now. Or have I missed something??? They could have read it, and start practising it by now. The Pow-Wow is perhaps one of the 36 stratagems, I can think of:

a. Startle the snake by hitting the grass around it
Do something unaimed, but spectacular ("hitting the grass") to provoke a response of the enemy ("startle the snake"), thereby giving away his plans or position, or just taunt him. Do something unusual, strange, and unexpected as this will arouse the enemy's suspicion and disrupt his thinking.


b. Create something from nothing

A plain lie. Make somebody believe there was something when there is in fact nothing.

I am not about to pre-empt, and I dare not judge their level of thinking afterall wise politicians are notorious for changing their mind in a spade of a second. Likewise, they are also very forgetful or poor in memory. It is in their credibility to change their mind and hope the rest of the world are just poor in memory. Except for one unearthly fallacy, ever heard of politicians with credibility?

I really cannot imagine what sort of discussions is meant to be discussed for what was purportedly a weekend away. I would guess "An island lost and two stones gained", no? "A department closed down as a give away, and another coming soon, yes? Or luring more grasshoppers onto your net in anticipation of a mass exodus? Or could it be, it was just a weekend of sing and dance and to master the song “Don't Stand So Close to Me”, hang on…….”don't stand too close to us”.

Why not sing “Yesterday”.


All our troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, we believeIn yesterday


We’re not half the party we used to be

There's a shadow hanging over us

Oh, Anwar

Came suddenly

Why they had to go we wouldnt know

They wouldn't say

We said

Something wrong now we long

For yesterday