Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prologue To Freedom

My nephew is about to embark a new journey in his life. A journey he, probably, has waited since the day he was born. This is probably not a bad thing, considering he has planned it all the way, albeit through my sister's life time savings. And so she claims! Whoever life savings it may be, my nephew is heading to the southern hemisphere for a bit of adventure. I do not know, for sure, if this journey will change his life but I do know he is going there with anticipations and hopes.

When I was at his age, probably a century ago, I too went away from home to further my education. Perhaps the changing of time may have changed many things but I am sure the perception of ‘overseas’ remains the same, perpetually. I say ‘perception’ because I was led to believe, not that anyone forced me at gun-point, but I just happened to embrace it with open arms. It is a surreal but real, at least at that juncture in time it was. So here it is, Z-boy for you only.

Myth No:1
All Caucasian ladies are an easy catch.
Facts No:1
If you really believe this, then there is a 1 in a 10000000000000 chance you will get laid.
Myth No:2
You get to stay away from the wrath of Mummy.
Facts No:2
Just remember the wrath of Mummy is just a skype call away, or a tap of the finger.
Myth No:3
You get to kiss a girl under the mistletoe.
Facts No:3
Too many guys out there think exactly like you. So what are your chances?
Myth No:4
There is this thing called Mixed Dorm.
Facts No:4
Mixed Dorm exists if you consider guys with long hairs and occasionally dressed like a woman in parties.

The list is endless, my dear nephew and I can go on writing all the myths but I think you are smart enough to get my pointers by now. What you will feel, especially over the first 3 months is most irk symptoms of all…….you get very homesick. I have no intention of writing what homesick really means as it may vary between individuals. But the notion of suffering from homesick is enough to get you more homesick. So beware! Now I know what you are going to say. The problem was more apparent during my time because we don’t have internet; or more importantly money to take the next flight home. We gotta be more careful here. Adult males are more susceptible to emotional changes and the domino effects that can easily bring you down to your knees unless Myth No:1 comes true. In which case, the surge in testerones will quickly overcome the homesickness syndrome.

Your next problem could be a nightmare. Yes, you have to do your own laundry. It is not the laundry but the long hours waiting for your clothes to get dried by the tumble dryer. Imagine waiting for what seems like eternity, you have no choice but to see the tumbling go round and round. In no time, you will get into a hypnotized stage and that’s when you wished Myth No:2 come true. You rather hear her constant nagging then to turn into a zombie!

I say no more but sincerely hope that you will make an effort to ‘enjoy’ your independence. I can’t say for sure how much a change NZ can do for you in a manner England did to me. Frankly speaking, how many of us like to be away from home? Sometimes we are forced to make the choice, to make that edge to do well in our future. But more importantly, do well and bring the glory home. You are obligated, you don’t have a choice.

Last but not least, and this is from my friend (he is 66 this year!), his dad told him these words at the departure hall when he left for Australia. "If you like to drink milk, do drink as much as you can but don’t bring home the COW……." hahahahahha. Get it? I think your old man is open enough to whisper these words into your ear...... oops! I may be wrong, he is following you.