Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Never Believe Anything Until It's been Officially Denied

Life is tough. You now have an entourage of people’s representatives on a hot trail to another rather-developed nation learning about agriculture! I don't know about you but it doesn't sound right to me to put a bunch of savvy but amateur agro-cum-shoppers on steep landscapes and endangering their lives within a seismic prone nation. Our reps, more likely to clad, in suits and shiny shoes are least likely to walk through the treacherous terrain, let alone learn anything remotely useful. Having said that, what do we expect them to learn knowing very well that the island of Taiwan has a different climate from that of ours. Call me a moron but I think this move is uncalled for and I don't see the necessity. To me, it calls for a particular combination of talents: lots of activity but no actual achievement. Then again, almost all government policy is wrong, but...frightfully well carried out.

Give any fool a minute to think he may come up with an answer to baffle our version of the fictitious character Jim Hacker…….yes, you Mr. Flippy-Floppy-don't-know-how, sir. Such is the satirical quality of the leadership. Instead of saying it wasn't his idea; he should have the guts to say something along the lines…. “We can’t get that in our country, apologies. We may have 1000 universities and have been experimenting with the technology to be able to offer these professional courses, but we’re not yet confident (because our ‘talents’ are not really talented) of being able to provide genuine value, so at the moment, it remains a must for our reps to participate in this study tour.

Here is a man so resolved and relentless to quash anything remotely possible against his seat, and did it…..may I say stupidly. It worries me to think of the many juggling acts this man has to endure in order to sit where he is sitting at the moment. On one hand, he needs to tactfully appease one of his warlords which are more likely to induce calamity within the mixed population. This is the Law of Inverse Relevance, the less you intend doing about something the more you have to keep talking about it. Or in practical terms you have the usual six options. One do nothing, two issue a statement deploring the scene, three launch an official protest, four cut off ties, five break off relations and six declare emergency. On the other hand, we have another bloke who is silently playing the mind game tricks on almost everybody. Yes, the age old trick of “Yes, but even though they probably certainly know that you probably wouldn't, they don't certainly know that, although you probably wouldn't, there is no probability that you certainly would!” What is this country’s corridor of power getting into?

I hate to say this but the closely observed portrayal of what goes on in the corridors of power has given me hours of sheer pure joy. The whole saga of political ups and down is invented by people who think they run the country, and is read by people who think they ought to run the country but is being play-down by people who actually do run the country. Get it? I don't!!!